Indoor Survival Essentials
It’s only gonna get colder from now on.
Despite occasional oscillations in temperature, I have finally come to reconciliation with this harsh fact in November. When we finish the first round of midterms and look away from our laptops, somehow from late summer we have been teletransported straight to early winter.
Seasonal transitions could be rough, especially when we are juggling academics, personal life and career planning (to those in recruiting season, best of luck!) on top of trying to have a social life and full college experience. But hey, holiday season is just around the corner (attention: waves of sales approaching)! More good news for indoor creatures like me-it is finally the time of year we can stay inside as much as we want without feeling missing out.
Before we go out there again and conquer more midterms, papers or interviews, it is essential to fully relax our mind and body (first get that flu shot if you haven’t done so already). To restore our well-being, let’s begin with a rational and moderated retail therapy.
Here is a list of things that instantaneously improve life quality at home/in dorm:

Essential Oils & Diffuser: Who doesn’t love some aromatherapy and creativity? Play with different scents and make your own blends for a good night of sleep, some quality downtime, or anything you want.

Candles: Yes, they are a fire hazard. So remember to put them out! But nothing beats a flickering flame transfusing warmth on a cold winter night! It might sound silly-I love heating my cold hands over the flame, and I believe that candles actually warm up the space. They are also super versatile in terms of room décor-simple white candles can look just as aesthetically pleasing as the fancy ones!

Blanket/throw: Layer and cuddle! You can always use an extra.

Indoor plants: They are instant mood lifters. Pick the right one (calling all these resilient succulents out there) and breathe better. Herbs are also great! I love throwing fresh cut basil leaves into the dish---definitely blown away by how little effort it takes to keep the basil alive and how rewarding it is!
Stay indoors. Stay warm. Stay healthy.