A Beginner's Guide to Calligraphy
Sometimes, in college, it's hard to maintain a hobby. I've found that the one hobby I'm continually able to indulge is my love of doing dip-ink calligraphy. It's a relaxing, fun little thing to occupy yourself with and makes a lovely heartfelt gift for friends. Read on to see my tips for getting into calligraphy!
1. The Postman's Knock
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This site helped me practice my strokes and get in the groove of modern calligraphy. This site includes worksheets and blog posts to keep you busy and motivated in learning calligraphy. Visit here
2. Jonathan Faust
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There are so many blogs out there dedicated to typography that if that is an interest for you, definitely check out jonathanfaust.com. His work is unbelievably clean and beautiful and has helped me explore new types of calligraphy! Check out jonathanfaust.com for more inspiration.
3. Art stores
Blick downtown holds a decent amount of nibs and ink to get you going into the art of calligraphy. For my personal favorite items, I recommend Higgins India Ink, and any paper heavy enough to hold the ink and not bleed- like the Strathmore visual journal.
4. Paper and Ink Arts
If you're ready to explore the wide world of calligraphy beyond the dinky little nibs you can find at Michael's, then visit this site. They sell individual nibs, colorful inks, practice pads, and excellent quality wooden holders. A small set of good quality materials will serve you well in the art of calligraphy!