Try Before You Buy Perfume: Decant Index
People love being unique–whether it's having a monogrammed bag or a specific coffee order, everyone wants the external things they do to reflect their inner personalities. This is no different with scents, with a plethora of candles, perfumes, and sprays–both online and offline, at boutiques and grocery stores–that describe not only the origins of their scents but the type of person who would wear it.
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The release of new products such as Glossier's You perfume build on this age-old foundation started by iconic perfumes like Chanel No. 5 and continued by contemporary classics like Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue or Marc Jacobs Daisy. Many women swear by a certain scent that, to them, is the one. But what if you haven't found yours yet, you don't want to spend a fortune going through bottles of perfume, or you don't wear perfume and aren't sure where to start?
There are many ways to research perfumes, but online purchasing can be expensive and err on the side of the scientific, while leaving the uninitiated in the dark. Going to into a beauty store can be overwhelming and pressure you into making a purchase. If you're anything like me, you don't know what myrrh or gardenia smell like and you're not sure whether the scent you picked at the store will wear for the whole day or if you like it enough to drop your money on a bottle.
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In comes Decant Index, an online-only boutique that sells personally chosen samples of perfumes from brands like Byredo, Hermès, Aesop and more. The perfume sampling service allows you to experiment and explore different scents without fully committing to an intimidating price tag or massive bottle of perfume you know you’ll never finish. You can also talk to one of their representatives and have someone personally customize your samples to what you’re looking for, with detailed notes on each scent and recommendations for use.
For more information (and inspiration), check out Decant Index’s website or Instagram feed.
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