MODA Designer Profile: Khadijat Durojaiye
It’s easy to get swept up in the frenzy of classwork and difficult to make time to sit down and catch up with others. First-time designer Khadijat Durojaiye is someone I’ve been meaning to catch up with for a while now, and it was a pleasure to be able to interview her about her experience designing for the show. Here’s what she had to say.
Hi, I’m Khadijat! I’m a second-year Physics-Astrophysics double major. I’m in SWIP (Society of Women in Physics) and I’m working on three research projects with faculty members in the physics/astrophysics departments at the moment.
What are some sources of inspiration for your collection?
I had a hard time deciding what it was I wanted to work on, really, because there’s a lot of things I like. I struggled so much with the mood board and had to bring myself to focus on one thing. I think what I’m focusing on is childhood. I don’t know why, but I thought of Disney Channel shows I would watch as a kid. Lizzie McGuire, JoJo Circus, That’s So Raven—Raven is a fashion icon. Early 2000’s vibes is a lot of it, but it’s also kind of 70’s inspired in a way? I like that style.
Have you ever done fashion design work before? What are some of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of the process?
No, this is my first time. Well, I used a sewing machine once to make scrunchies during winter break last year because I was bored, but that’s the only sewing experience I had. The toughest part was visualizing, knowing whether or not it’ll look good. Whatever’s in your mind will not translate, so it’s kind of limiting. You have so many ideas, but getting those ideas down is rewarding.
What are you looking forward to most about the show?
Everyone’s going to work their magic. I know there’s a lot of excitement about the show, and knowing how big of a thing it is is exciting. It’s nice to just spend time with others. It was nice to go to the workshop in Logan and just crack jokes and have fun for a couple of hours, so seeing our work pay off is going to be exciting.
Who do you have in mind when you’re designing?
Molly Goddard and Cecilie Bahnsen. I found them after looking up dresses with transparent fabrics—there’s something about it I think is cool. Mowalola, too. When I was doing research I found a lady who made rugs using a hand-tufting method, and I thought, “That would look cool on a dress!” The guns people use to do it are like $300 though, so I was just like, “I’ll do it by hand!”
If you could give yourself any advice on the design process, what would you say to your younger self?
I would say to not go crazy with the fabrics. I have so many ideas, and whenever I see fabric I feel like I have to do everything. I’m constantly changing my mind, so it’s like, “Just find something and stick with it!” It gets difficult to incorporate every single thing you see. I was also struggling to make sure my designs weren’t too boring or too crazy. I mean, the stuff you see on the runway you don’t want to mimic. I started realizing I could do whatever I want.
What’s your favorite aspect of the design process?
Coming up with ideas is the biggest thing for me. I can spend several hours just googling and finding inspiration, because it’s so satisfying in the end. It’s satisfying to see them in your mind, draw them out on paper, then make them. When I made my first sleeve I thought, “Wow, I’m accomplished! Two sleeves out of six? That’s okay! Not even a third of the way done? That’s fine!” Every piece you make is satisfying, you know? Even if you’re early on in the process, every piece you make is cool to see.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
The cool thing is that I have this skill, now. People make their own stuff all the time. I have the ability to make things I can wear myself, so why not use it?
See her designs at the MODA fashion show on February 28th.