Worth a Watch: Lucy McRae

Worth a Watch: Lucy McRae

Describing herself as "sci-fi artist, director, and self proclaimed body architect" on her website, Lucy McRae is actively bridging the gap between fashion and advancing science -  fusing futuristic technologies with the feminine figure. Her videos range from creative short films to innovative music videos to advertisements for the beauty world. She focuses on the feminine form enhanced and modified by science, with motifs and allusions to the very relevant topics of body image, food, and beauty. 

The following are some of my favorite productions of hers - definitely worth a watch!

"Make Your Maker" - Short Film: 

Centering on the inseparable relationship between the body and food, Lucy highlights this fundamental entwinement through a scientific lab setting featuring a woman "using her own body as a test bed, fusing gender and blending ego like a chef constitutes food." She artistically harps on the all too relevant societal obsession with food, calorie restriction, and the "ideal" body, "taking on the domain of genetic manipulation and human cloning, delivering a world where clones are edible; their sensory effects absorbed through the body."

Images via.

Reptile Youth "My Yoko Ono" - Music Video: 

In by far the best music video I have ever seen, Lucy continues to blend the controversiality of scientific meddling with human genetics with art, exercising "the concept that we are all operated by a higher order, becoming 'Puppets of technology'." Full of artistic camera angles and collage-esque compositions, the allusions to gene selection and human modification critique the extent to which science and technology have increasingly entered into the field of beauty. 

Images via.

Morphē - Short Film for Aesop: 

Epitomizing the luxurious and scientific based skin and hair care brand, Aesop, McRae's video advertises "a new kind of super-sensory beauty treatment," set in a futuristic spa-laboratory-hybrid. Through artistic close-ups and captured breath-like movements, the film channels the feminine form and pampering of the hair and skin. 

Images via.

These are just three of my favorites from her, but all of her content is definitely worth a click and an afternoon spent oohing and awing. 

Featured image via.

Museum Campus South Passport: SMART Museum of Art

Museum Campus South Passport: SMART Museum of Art

Feeds to Follow: Jasemipech

Feeds to Follow: Jasemipech