Look for Less: Holiday Party

Look for Less: Holiday Party

Now that finals are done, holiday party season starts in full swing. From endless rounds of Secret Santa and the stress of holiday shopping, the last thing you want to worry about is what to wear to the next office/family/friend gathering on your calendar. Lucky for you, MODA has compiled our favorite frocks, outerwear, accessories and more to keep you warm and fashion forward throughout the holidays. So spare a moment from studying and splurge a little on yourself! 


A stylish and sophisticated coat can tie together almost any look. Ditch the puffers and parkas and opt for a more streamlined statement that can easily be recycled into your work or formal wardrobe once the holiday season comes to an end. 


With the right accessories, you really only need one or two holiday looks to get you through the season. A dress that fits like a glove but isn't too flashy can also be easily reincorporated into your closet for day to day wear. At the same time, there's no better excuse to don something shimmery and festive than the holidays!


Definitely don't splurge in this area if you already have a fairly extensive accessories collection you know you can work with. Bolder pieces can help liven up a simpler party dress and switching up shoes and jewelry is an easy way to change your look if you want to wear the same dress to multiple parties.

Happy Holidays from the MODA Team!

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