‘Stocks and Socks: Hot or Not?

‘Stocks and Socks: Hot or Not?

Birkenstock shoes have finally reemerged from their cold-weather hibernation, to the delight of some and the disgust of others. In recent years, Birkenstocks shoes have become increasingly popular among teens. They come in varying shapes, sizes, and designs, as well as different comfort levels (I personally prefer the soft footbed ones best).

As Birks, also mockingly-called “Jesus sandals”, begin to resurface in tandem with rising temperatures, people have begun talking about them again. The latest debate is an old one, but still a fun topic nevertheless. Some may have a strong opinion about the sandals themselves, but many more hold stronger opinions about the combination of ’stocks and socks. It goes like this: in the days when it’s warm enough for birks but too cold for toes, you must compromise. The solution is simple: slip on a pair of socks before you slip on your Birks.

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Many East Coast residents dig the ‘stocks and socks combination, but others think the pairing is both foolish and unfashionable. Some consider it to be a severe fashion faux-pas, but hey, comfort and warmth are sometimes more important, aren’t they? This debate has been going on for years now, but on campus and this summer, I’ve been seeing more and more Birks emerging. Besides, I've always been a proponent of wearing what you want, and not listening to the haters.

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