Brands to Know: THE PINK LADY

Brands to Know: THE PINK LADY

Feminist fashion has been taking the world by storm in the past year. The Pink Lady, a collaboration between Kulture Shop and Republic Brown started out as a movement within in India with the viral hashtag #IAmPinkLady, but has now expanded to the United States to call for global sisterhood. 

The movement celebrates the work of graphic artist Jas Charanjiva who created the design in response to the 2012 Delhi gang rape. She was inspired by the vocal protestors, both men and female, and transformed the image of the docile Indian woman to call for action. The original name of the print was "Don't Mess With me" but is now more popularly known as "The Pink Lady."

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At first, the image seems like a normal representation of the timid Indian housewife, until you notice the "BOOM" knuckle wrings and wide-open eyes. 

The brand creates both men and women's clothes! And last April they donated 100% of proceeds to Planned Parenthood. 

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The Indian online store has expanded to all kinds of merchandise, but you can still find mugs, totes, and prints from the US store as well. To learn more about the movement and the Indian public figures getting involved, check out the Vogue India article! 

Make smart fashion choices and keep fighting for global sisterhood. Happy shopping! 


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