Sunscreen 101

Sunscreen 101

With all the rain lately, it's easy to forget that sunny days are just around the corner, and that means sun protection is more important than ever. That means sunscreen infused makeup and skincare products, and with so many on the market, it can be hard to choose a few. So without further ado, I present to you your summer '17 sunscreen guide. 

General Sunscreen Tips

1. Know Your SPF. The first step to picking out sunscreen is to find the right SPF. SPF gives you the factor by which you multiply the time it would take you burn in the sun without sunscreen, and that gives you how long the sunscreen will protect your skin from burning. Higher SPF also blocks out a higher percentage of harmful UV rays. But beyond SPF 50, higher SPFs hardly block out any more UV rays, so it's safe to opt for SPF 30-50 for everyday wear. 

2. Sunscreen expires! Always check the expiration date on last summer's sunscreen before slathering it on this summer. 

3. Skip the aerosol. Aerosol spray sunscreens have a blotchy application, and tend to be less effective than lotions (also they're bad for the environment.

4. Use a foundation with sunscreen, or apply sunscreen under your foundation daily. 

Sunscreen Foundations Recommendations

It Cosmetics // Shiseido // Mac // L'Oreal

Sunscreen Recommendations

Clarins // Glossier // Neutrogena // Kiehl's 


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