5 Original Ways of Saying 'Thank You' This Festive Season

5 Original Ways of Saying 'Thank You' This Festive Season

With Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, it’s that time of year when we slowly start to reflect on our blessings, and think about those close to us for whom we are grateful. It’s a time for hitting pause on our high-paced schedules, consciously showing that extra bit of appreciation that gets lost over the course of routine. Forget the last minute dinner speeches and rushed goodbyes and, instead, try out some of these five original ways of saying thank you this festive season. 

  1. Write a Letter… and Mail It!

With the rise of the digital era, pen and paper sounds as past-century as black and white TV when it comes to reaching out to our loved ones. It’s incredibly convenient to simply hit a couple of buttons on our phones and talk to people over FaceTime or text… which is precisely what makes receiving a hand written letter in the mail so special. Nowadays, no one goes through such trouble of creating something physical to communicate, making the surprise element even better. Try adding on a wax seal at the end to really go the extra mile.


2. Send a Voice Note

Again we go back to the past time of phone calls… but with a modern spin. Sending a voice note to say thank you allows for the feeling of realness to really come across, while also giving you the means to plan your message ahead, and re-do if need be. An unexpected and hearty voice note after a long time of text-only conversations is sure to brighten up the receiver’s day. If you’re talented, try reciting a poem or singing a song too.

3. Stick On Surprise Post-It Notes

If you know that your friend has a set working space or office desk, try leaving some post-it notes throughout the week to show your appreciation. A sweet, short message can go a long way!


4. Record a Video

Another original idea is to record yourself sharing your message. To give it a more creative feel, try filming/editing the video on one of the many vintage camera apps that are easy to download and use, such as 8mm.

5. Get Typing and Email


Expecting nothing but work-related headlines to be filling their inboxes, emailing your loved ones can pose a great unexpected surprise during a busy day of tasks or classes. Try adding a fun twist to your message by writing as formally as you normally would on work emails!

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