Walk for the 2020 MODA Fashion Show!

Walk for the 2020 MODA Fashion Show!

Interested in modeling an original, student created and styled ensemble? Audition to model for this year's annual MODA Winter Fashion Show on Thursday November 21st at 7:30PM in McCormick Lounge!

This year we are looking for approximately 70 models. No measurements will be taken. We're looking for all body types, gender identities, and personalities. Please do not wear baggy or loose-fitting clothing. Bring heels if you feel comfortable walking in them!

This model call is open to current UChicago undergraduate students only.

For more information about the model call, please refer to the official Facebook event 

McCormick Lounge - Reynolds Club

11 / 21 / 18

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Cover image via Charlotte Wang

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