MODA Designer Profile: Jane Kelly

MODA Designer Profile: Jane Kelly

I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Jane Kelly, a second year in the College studying creative writing, business economics and visual arts. This is her first year designing for MODA.

What made you want to be a part of the design process?

I was a model last year for MODA and I had a lot of fun, so I thought it would be even more fun to design the clothes! I really like the idea of dressing well and feeling put together, so I’ve always been interested in fashion in that sense as an ideal that in some ways feels unattainable. I enjoy design, but this is my first time actually making clothes and following through with the process. I definitely want to design next year as well!

How is the experience of being a new designer for MODA?

I’ve learned a lot about sewing techniques and especially about different fabric types, so this process has certainly been a learning experience. What’s been really helpful is that I found a Masterclass and watched a Marc Jacobs fashion design course.

Do you have a design philosophy?

As a new designer, I don’t really have a design philosophy yet. There’s a few pieces in my collection that are inspired by other works, but I wanted to make them my own and give them my own interpretation.

What are some of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of the process?

One of the most challenging things is staying in budget, because I have a lot of big dreams but not necessarily the finances to enact them. I need to make sure that I budget appropriately and use my resources efficiently. Another challenge has been time management, but I get the sense that this is common within the fashion industry.

The most rewarding aspect is making a design and being able to see it on a model. I designed a dress for myself prior before MODA, and the most satisfying moment was putting on the dress and thinking “woah, this is a real piece of clothing that I can wear!” I't’s very rewarding to see it go from a piece of fabric to garments.

What are some sources of inspiration for your collection?

I found a lot of pictures of very beautiful locations, nature, and architecture, so there were a few different vibes that I was considering. I ended up choosing a photo of a snowy mountain village with string lights, and that picture made me feel most inspired. If I had to describe my collection in three words, it would be glowing, warm, and shiny!


Is there a piece in your collection that you are particularly proud of?

I am very excited about a coat that I’m creating, and I have a feeling that it’s going to be the show-stopper piece. I’m looking forward to finishing it and see how it looks on the model!

Design sketches.jpg

What are you looking forward to most about the show?

I’ve been looking forward to taking advantage of the fact that it is online and being able to film the looks. With a traditional runway show you can get fairly creative, but at the end of the day the models are still walking in a line. I think filming should be interesting to explore different angles and lighting.

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