Not A Poet, Just A Woman.

Not A Poet, Just A Woman.

Much of the “poetry” I write deals with my general existence as a woman, the experiences defined by womanhood, and those of my family, friends, and fellow women. Within the below, I have compiled a few of these works into a poetry-esque series that confronts these very experiences and much more. As I nurture and grow in my writing, I hope to share more of these “poems.” But, for now I’ll use the word poetry flexibly as I don’t know if I’m yet a poet— just a woman telling stories about women.

A Woman’s Dream

As I traveled through the crevices of space and time, I saw myself, spread in between conscience and unconsciousness, playing with stars and pinching at the cellulite between my hip and upper thigh. Before the sky could open up into heaven, a consolation of breasts and bosoms manifested as the same stars once filling the sky. Faster than the speed of light that flashes in the eyes of a fresh infant, I fell through this anatomical sky to land right where I began,

Pinching at the fat

Between my hip and upper

Thigh— a rippling sea.

Mother Earth

If i hold her for too long i start to envision her as mother earth,

and not her breasts as hills

littered with wildflowers that follow the wind’s breath. 

Certainly not her face,

elongated with a sensual smile, as the sun on a still day, 

commanding me to 

stare myself into silent sobs.

No. that isn’t her at all.

she sits in the cusp of my hand, and bits of her

beauty fall through the spaces between my fingers,

releasing herself, falling and melting

into the ground below her.

Bent down, i taste her being,

 Resigning myself to the grain and crunch of dirt.


rip me apart piece by piece,

exchange my slow rising lungs for objective observation,

because i’m meant to be caressed (coerced)

am I not?

dump the remnants of my remaining flesh into the river and

allow me to swim among friendlier creatures.

they can sink their teeth into me

and ask forgiveness after they’ve tasted

the sweet rot of my damp flesh.

kinder than man,

they’ll consume all of me

and leave nothing to see.


I had a friend that called herself a slut;

a self titled reclamation of sorts.

this always intrigued me because she’d

never felt the touch of another,

the cool warmth of gentle, guilded

sexual desire.

She’d been told abstinence

was the best form of birth


didn’t deter the stranger

and his 


From then on a

freezing fire planted it’s home

in a reclaimed— rather

usurped edifice.

We sat in the silence

of shared experience 

while I discovered a new identity. 

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Man Made Horrors Beyond My Comprehension: The Apple Vision Pro

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