Van Gogh's Bedrooms at the AIC

Van Gogh's Bedrooms at the AIC

van Gogh's self portrait is on display at the AIC

It's safe to assume most of us have admired an advertisement for the Art Institute's expansive exhibition of Vincent van Gogh's bedroom series in some capacity. For the past several months, trailers of Loving Vincent, a biopic of the artist's life animated in his signature painting style and rentable Airbnb rooms (for as cheap as $10 a night) styled according to van Gogh's famous paintings have accompanied the AIC's unveiling of Van Gogh's Bedrooms–an exhibit that charts the artist's tumultuous and life long travels across Europe in search for a place to call home.

The highlight of the exhibit is undoubtedly van Gogh's three, varied renditions of his bedroom in Arles, France, united for the first time in North America. Also populating the exhibit and not to be missed are the numerous Japanese wood block prints that inspired van Gogh, illustrated letters from the artist to his brother, correspondence with his mentor Paul Gauguin, and the countless sketches and paintings of the various places he lived in, from his childhood home to his early Parisian apartments.

A life size Airbnb van Gogh bedroom

The AIC's thorough and nuanced curation of the artist's exploration of notions about home, belonging and mental health are complemented by a life size, to-scale recreation of the floor plan of his famous "Yellow House" and bedroom in Arles, in addition to detailed analyses of the painterly similarities and differences between his three bedroom paintings.

I personally found the artist's loose sketches of the view from his Parisian apartment or of his Yellow House more fascinating than his more renowned works. The humble, imperfect nature of these drawings provide stolen glimpses into van Gogh's process, shedding light on the depth and complexity of his artistic vision.

The exhibit closes on May 10, so swing by the AIC when you have the chance. Admission to the museum and van Gogh's Bedrooms is free for all UCID holders.


van Gogh's rendition of his beloved Yellow House in the South of France

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