All tagged books

Cool, Cultural & On Campus Fall Events

Having referred to myself as a “washed up fourth year” on five, no wait six, separate occasions this past week, I have officially committed myself to three new goals: 1. getting over the flu, 2. making and following through with plans to hang out with people, and 3. taking advantage of my first ever three-course quarter and exploring all the neat things going on on campus. To aid with that anti-UChicago “good in theory, but bad in practice” third goal, I’ve rounded up some on (or near) campus upcoming events that peaked my interest for the quarter.

Be sure to check out the UChicago Arts Calendar of Events to see if anything else catches your own eye!

Book Recommendations for Break

One thing I look forward every time a school break rolls around is getting to read lots and lots of books.  For me, there's nothing more relaxing then curling up in my bed with my dog, a steaming mug of hot chocolate, and a good book.  Whether, you're like me and need to catch up on your yearly reading goal (Note: 52 books seemed much more attainable in January), or you just want something to do with all of your free time, here are some books to pick up over break.