MODA Designer Profiles: Mia Jo Fierberg

MODA Designer Profiles: Mia Jo Fierberg

Every year, the MODA Fashion Show wraps up winter quarter with the perfect homage to student talent, hard work and creativity. In anticipation of the show, we will be interviewing MODA Designers. Meet Mia Jo Fierberg, a 3rd year Global Studies and French major. 

1. What are some sources of inspiration for your collection this year?

This year, I’m inspired by natural colors that we take for granted–Chicago sky, water under clouds, shimmering heat, dying grass. There’s a comfort in being outside under a blue sky, a sense of excitement in seeing glittering water, a satisfaction in looking down and spotting new sprouts. I want my collection to honor these small, peaceful feelings by creating a harmony between casual wear and the small, casual ways in which we interact with nature.

More concretely, I’ll be taking this natural palette and creating a collection that plays with perceptions of color and layers of opacity in the shape of clothing that is, like my source of inspiration, both effortless and everyday, but with a depth and joy that gets you every time. 

2. Have you ever done fashion design work before? What are some of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of the process?

Last year I designed for the MODA show with the help of the DBC program. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my whole life - I learned a craft that makes me feel inspired and fulfilled regardless of whether or not my work is walking down a runway. Honestly the hardest part of the whole thing is that, apart from MODA in the winter, I don’t really have time to sew and do school.

3. What are you looking forward to most about the MODA Fashion Show?

I’m really excited about all the new designers we’ll be seeing this year. In my role as deputy design director I’ve had the privilege of witnessing the sheer amount of talent in the new generation of DBC, and it’s inspiring as hell. We’re in for an exceptional show.

All images via Mia Jo Fierberg. 

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