Music Mondays: Half Gringa

Music Mondays: Half Gringa

As the days grow greyer and the world looks increasingly like the inside of the Reg, I've noticed a certain comfort in straight talk, particularly when it's set to music that makes me feel like I'm walking the Chicago skyline. Didn't know this combo existed? Neither did I, until I heard the band Half Gringa and their debut full-length album, Gruñona.

Image via Chicago Tribune

Image via Chicago Tribune

Front-woman (and UChicago alumna!) Izzy Olive (pictured above) tells her life like it is, with a Midwest flavor and just a touch of weariness, set to a mature, restrained rock backdrop that retains the only barest trace of your thirteen-year-old punk phase (in a charming way). Standouts include "Pennsylvania Dutch" and "Marte," but be sure to take a listen to the full album.

Check out her album on Spotify here: 

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Nail Art Perfect for Halloween

Nail Art Perfect for Halloween

Quad Style: Sima Shah

Quad Style: Sima Shah