Artist to Watch: Nicolas Jaar

Artist to Watch: Nicolas Jaar

Born to a Palestinian-Chilean dad and a French-Chilean mom, Nicholas Jaar is hard to miss in the EDM/house music scene. The charming young artist, who started his career at age 19, has already attracted masses and his unique style is definitely here to stay!

Confident but understated, he doesn't sound like he has something to prove. His tracks harmonize all kinds of different sounds and they become the most unlikely perfect dance beats. Starting from making songs to make his mother laugh and dance (Mi Mujer and El Bandido), he ended up releasing his debut album in 2011 and was immediately acknowledged by leading music platforms.

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Apart from being a pure composing talent, he is also behind the design process of his album covers (he used his father’s original black and white photographs for the Space is Only Noise album) as well as his own music player in the form of a sophisticated looking aluminum cube. On top of all of these, he also designed the minimalist layout of the website for his own label Clown and Sunset. All the things his brilliant mind produces complement each other and he presents us a well rounded art in its purest form.

The Album cover for Space is only Noise via

The Album cover for Space is only Noise via

Also a comparative literature student from Brown University, he says that being in school enhances his music. He reads, makes music and forges new links. Even though he produces mainly EDM and dance music, the deep thinker inside him sees "everyone in a club as heartbroken.” He uses his music to make people forget their problems and have a connection with them through his DJ set.

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