Videos to Watch: October 2016

Videos to Watch: October 2016

If you've been reading the exact same sentence in your Adam Smith for the past twenty minutes, it is probably a good time to take a break. Put down your book, plug in your headphones and check out our favorite videos on Internet right now. We will be sharing the funniest, coolest, weirdest videos we find online with you every month in our new series: Videos to Watch. 


1. Eric André and Hannibal Buress Hijack Each Other's Tinder Accounts | Vanity Fair

After watching this, you'll definitely want to give it a try with your friends' Tinder accounts (and maybe have them sabotage your love life as well)!

2. Amy Schumer and Anna Wintour Swap Lives | Vogue

If you still haven't watched this video, do it now. Rare moments of Anna Wintour smiling and making jokes is not your run-of-the-mill YouTube clip. Better yet, Amy imbues the video with her honest, cringe worthy sense of humor that we've all come to know and love. 

3. Victoria Beckham: In the Bag | Episode 4 | British Vogue

Perfect wife, perfect mom, perfect career, perfect life... Need we say more? 

4. Vlog 1 is this really my first vlog? | Negin Mirsalehi

One of our favorite, most influential bloggers just started a vlog channel. Her videos track the various aspects of her hectic, blogger life and are guaranteed to give you serious FOMO. 

5. Freedom! | '90 x Vogue

Adriana Lima, Joan Smalls, Taylor Hill and more models of the moment share the latest looks from the Spring 2017 runways–all to the soundtrack of our favorite disco, dance-pop recording artist, George Michael!

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