MODA Designer Profile: Abby Benn

MODA Designer Profile: Abby Benn

I had the pleasure of interviewing a long-time friend, Abby Benn, about her collection for the upcoming MODA show. Here is what she had to say!

Hey! I am a fourth year English and Psychology double major. I volunteer with Gateway to the Great Outdoors, which teaches science to students at Fiske Elementary school and I am in Kappa Alpha Theta.

What are some sources of inspiration for your collection?

         This collection is really just articles and outfits that I would want to wear amped up a bit. It is very “ready to wear” and most of the pieces I could honestly see myself in.

 Have you ever done fashion design work before?

         I have never done design work to this extent before. I’ve made a blouse here and there and taken fashion-sewing lessons, but never gotten to really make a full outfit on my own.

What are some of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of the process?

         Creating patterns can be really frustrating. The sewing is actually kind of the easier aspect; it’s all the preplanning and thinking ahead that becomes challenging because I am not always the most patient.

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What are you looking forward to most about the show?

         This is my first time as a designer for the show –in the past I have worked on the Events and Backstage teams – so I am really looking forward to experiencing it all from this side. I have pretty much been set on doing this since I started with MODA my freshman year and I am thrilled to finally have the chance!

Who do you have in mind when you’re designing?

         Myself (lol). I said this above, but I am definitely the customer for all these outfits. I have definitely taken inspiration from my favorite designers, but hopefully have added a bit of my own spin.

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If you could give yourself any advice on the design process, what would you say to your younger self?

         I will let you know when I finish :)

What’s your favorite aspect of the design process?

            Finishing a garment. It still blows my mind every time I can transform random scraps of fabric into actual wearable clothing.

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