MODA Designer Profile: Rachel Gagnon

MODA Designer Profile: Rachel Gagnon

About me:

I’m a 3rd year studying computer science, originally from California. Outside of classes, I’m one of the directors for Uncommon Hacks, volunteer with Peer Health Exchange, and am in Pi Beta Phi. I do a lot of yoga and collect vinyl, and also have a pet bunny (◕‿◕✿).

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I grew up in Orange County, CA, so a lot of the outfits I wear are inspired by what I’ve seen on people living in LA. This summer I worked at a record label where fashion was important to everyone, and my coworkers would show up to work in streetwear. I’m not really big into trends, I try to wear things that I feel confident in and push boundaries a little bit. I love bright colors, vintage pieces, and lots of jewelry.

Two things I’m really passionate about are accessibility and sustainability, so above all I think fashion shouldn’t be limited by price. I try to only purchase new items when I really find a unique piece, and otherwise buy all of my clothing secondhand. I love the uniqueness of thrifted and/or vintage items and love dipping into the fashion trends of past decades, especially the 70s and 80s.

Experience with designing clothes:

My only fashion design work has been making clothes for my stuffed animals when I was 8, so I didn’t go into the application process super optimistically. I do really like upcycling my clothes, though, and a lot of my favorite clothing items are ones that I’ve cut up or painted on.

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It took me a week to get my sewing machine threaded but being able to create my first piece was so rewarding! I made a faux fur tote bag that took me so many hours because the fabric was super thick and kept breaking the thread. Once it was finished I was so excited and took several instagram stories with it.

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Design process:

To be honest, I designed three complete outfits and then went to the fabric store and completely changed my mind once I felt the fabrics I intended to use. For my first look I was searching for the perfect lime/pistachio satin and a mesh in the same color. I found the most beautiful pistachio green satin and knew I wanted it in my collection so I abandoned my mesh dress idea on the spot. I also found some other random fabrics like a cheetah faux fur and vinyl that I decided to buy and incorporate somehow.

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