The Art of Moving Things

The Art of Moving Things

-Nicole Helou

You’re supposed to put your name at the end, right? Is moving things around following the rules of grammar? Definitely not. However, in every other aspect except grammar, moving things is highly accepted and encouraged. 

It’s as old as dinosaurs; moving around is the oldest form of survival we have. During the prehistoric eras we were nomads, searching for the best locations to use different landscapes and environments to our advantage. Sharks move to hunt, people move cities for job upgrades, cars move to get you around…you get the idea. Although moving today may be associated with what may seem like every day, mundane tasks, there is more to unlock about how we move things, and how this overlooked act, is really an art form.

I’m sure most of us have experienced a sudden urge to move things. The example that immediately comes to mind for me is shifting furniture around based on how I want a room to feel. Some may refer to this as feng shui: the Chinese art or practice of creating harmonious surroundings that enhance the balance of yin and yang. This art form has been practiced since the Tang Dynasty (2,000-5,000 years back!). Although I am not sure about the details of the Tang Dynasty in terms of enhancing balance, I can sure admit to having arranged things around myself. As of yesterday I moved my candle that was on the left side of my desk to the right, and the plant that was on a shelf to my windowsill (Wow Nicole, so bold)! I know, I know its not much but its necessary and I did it because I was trying to please my artistic eye. You have to  test things out and experiment with creative shifts. It is so interesting to see how each one of us individually adapts to these shifts and responds to them (this is the point of this art). While I may be stressed and wanting more greenery by my window, someone else may want less clutter and get rid of the plant completely. The best part is that both of those movements no matter how subconscious they may seem demonstrate what appeals to our moods, and how the physical world can be a playing field for how we think.

Movement means progress, let’s move beyond the example of my room and progress to the topic of fashion. Fashion is one of those art forms that practically relies on the chaos that follows disrupting norms. There are no rules which means that the Art of Moving Things can apply here. We see it when freer mind sets in the 70’s caused the reserved 60’s look with longer skirts and kept hairdos to transform into a hippie-looking, color-infested outfits. Fabrics are moved to fit a little looser, hair is moved under the shoulders, shapes and patterns on clothes are being scattered throughout materials. There is movement of thought therefore, there is movement of fashion.

How can you apply the Art of Moving Things to your life? Its simple, let go of expectations for how things are “supposed” to act in the environment you placed it in. For instance, instead of wearing your belt through the hoop of your pants wear it on top of your blazer to cinch your waist, this will transform the square silhouette into a curvier shape which will give some roundness to your look. Rather than wearing your lingerie top to sleep, wear it over a white, turtleneck top and tuck it into some high wasted jeans, this will add a sophisticated yet sexy feel to your plain shirt and jeans combo. If we all thought the same way we would not have different clothes in our closets, would we? Play with what you have around you.

 Although clothes and objects are not alive you can make them feel that way. The best part about this art form is that there are no rules, so you can experiment freely. The biggest obstacle you have is your own mind. And remember to have fun with it.

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