Manifestation: How to Make the Universe Your B*tch

Manifestation: How to Make the Universe Your B*tch


Admittedly, I went off in this article about the cultural appropriation of manifestation. But, what actually is manifestation?

I’ll wager a bet and say that everyone has some or the other idea: basically, you ask the universe for something, and you get it. Well, the universe isn’t Aladdin and that’s not how it works––well, not exactly. 

In Hindu and Buddhist spirituality, manifestation is not an ask-and-you-shall-receive system; it is based on a history steeped in belief, worship, and dedication. There are two terms you should know for this:

Karma: (I’ll wager another bet that you’re fairly aware of this, but I’ll do a quick recap.) Akin to a universal checking account. You do well, you are done well to; you do badly, you are done badly to. We reap the results of our actions, and these hold us accountable to not just our current selves but also to our future selves (rebirth is governed by karma). TLDR; cause and effect.

Dharma: The less popular twin, but essentially means your purpose in life. You can let this lead you down the existentialist crisis of wondering what it is, but you can also disseminate it into its smallest pieces: on a day-to-day, hour-to-hour basis, what is your purpose? And if your purpose is to serve yourself, to be happy, that counts. No purpose is too small, but it is also of spiritual value to figure out your larger purpose through self-discovery. 

Combined, they yield the Hindu ideology of universal welfare, a system in which the universe benefits from you achieving your dharma, and through karma, the universe benefits you. This whole concept is the actual Law of Attraction, as proposed by the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads. (If only all those pandits and yogis could summarize that well, eesh.)

As Lord Krishna says, ultimately you are the Universe––or at least, that you create your own universe, your own reality. The things you attract come to you, and the things you repel don’t. A simple example: If you’re the kind of person who’s always asking for “friends who do xyz,” and instead, you become the friend that “does xyz,” you attract more people like yourself and therefore, you will have friends “who do xyz.” “xyz” can be anything: who dress fashionably, who party less, who work out more, who decide to go vegan, who love art museums. 

Here’s the answer to the question you’ve been waiting for: “How do you manifest?”


Step 1: Figure out what you want, really figure it out

This step works sort of like a Google search; your results are only as specific as you make them. Instead of “I want a partner,” try, “I want a partner who is exactly three inches taller than me, a year older, goes to Harvard (no idea why you would ask for this, but you do you!), and has a sense of humour exactly like mine.” 

What you want to avoid doing is using “don’t,” like in “I don’t want a partner who attends UChicago (this, I understand).”

To figure this out, you also need to understand why you want it. Because here’s the kicker: manifesting is not about you and what you want. It’s about what’s best for the universe, for everyone. Whose life will get better when yours does? How many people will be served when you manifest your desires? Your karmic account has to line up; the reason you are manifesting has to be worth what you’re manifesting

Step 2: Believe you can have it

This is what all the affirmations are. To actually get something, you have to believe that you are deserving; this means none of that modesty shit, but also none of that arrogance garbage. Recognize what you have done, your (true) value as a person, and determine whether this is a reasonable ask. 

(If it is not, and I cannot stress this enough, the Universe will not give it to you; you cannot actually manifest anything and everything.)

But if it is, good. An abundance mindset comes from the fundamental belief that you are enough as you are––not a little smarter, a little lighter, a little more this or that, just as you are. Affirmations are a great way to remind yourself of this, and in turn, keep your vibrations (or the classier abbreviation, vibes) good. 

Step 3: Ask the Universe (a.k.a. Summon the genie, except there’s no blue Will Smith to haunt your dreams)

This is possibly the easiest step. You can ask in various ways: prayer, meditation, visualization, vision boards (I would believe Pinterest does count, yes), writing. The act of putting pen to paper is supposed to be sacred––no, not fingers to keys––so if you can, write it out. Write a letter to the universe, make a list, whatever tickles your fancy.

Step 4: Help the Universe help you

There’s a key part in the “friends who do xyz” example above: to get, you have to be. Manifestation, at the end of the day, is co-creation with the universe. The universe isn’t doing all the heavy lifting, you have to be lifting beside it––or at least spotting it. Working towards your goals increases your chances of getting what you want, it’s like a nudge. It’s also fun––or at least, it should be; if getting there isn’t fun, the “there” isn’t going to be much fun either.
This is fairly easy. Work towards your goals, isn’t that what everyone is always harping on about? How you do it is completely up to you, because it depends on your goal. If you’re super confused, use what is possibly the only thing more powerful than the Universe: Google. (For legal and spiritual purposes, that was a joke. I am not interested in being smited by the Universe.) 

Step 5: Trust the process

This shit takes time, y’all. It’s not a crash diet, you can’t get what you want in 24 hours or even 7 days; and if you do, you’ll lose it just as fast. 

But also, keep an eye out. The Universe is creative with its signs, so be open to different presentations of your goals. In the context of a partner, no they will not appear limb-by-limb, but hey, what about that really cute person you bumped into on your way to class last week? The ~feeling~ you got then, huh? 

And meanwhile, vibe check yourself! Keep the good vibes flowing; recite your affirmations, do your self-care routines, smile at strangers. 

You now know (1) why ManifestationTok is garbage, (2) the actual origins of manifestation, and (3) how to manifest. (*Checks list, nods.*) That’s it. You’re good to go. It’s also time for my daily affirmations, and the Universe doesn’t like to be kept waiting.  

One last thing: Just stay true to the roots––both, manifestations’ and yours.

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