All tagged arts

Feeds to Follow: @bestdressed

In another round of Feeds to Follow, I’m focusing in on Ashley from her Youtube channel, bestdressed, and Instagram, @best.dressed. Her channel and internet presence has blown up these past couple months, and it’s no surprise with her sassy and utterly genuine personality, stunning videography, and unapologetically original content.

Cool, Cultural & On Campus Fall Events

Having referred to myself as a “washed up fourth year” on five, no wait six, separate occasions this past week, I have officially committed myself to three new goals: 1. getting over the flu, 2. making and following through with plans to hang out with people, and 3. taking advantage of my first ever three-course quarter and exploring all the neat things going on on campus. To aid with that anti-UChicago “good in theory, but bad in practice” third goal, I’ve rounded up some on (or near) campus upcoming events that peaked my interest for the quarter.

Be sure to check out the UChicago Arts Calendar of Events to see if anything else catches your own eye!

News for Millennials: The Outline

Through part of one of my many (and frequently abandoned) self improvement stints, I discovered The Outline and have stuck with reading their modern take on current events and newstories. Subscribing to their email subscription list (you can do so too - here!) has upped my morning with current events and incredible graphic design (a refreshing alternative to other news outlets!)