All tagged diy

A Match Made in the Kitchen: A Love Letter to My Instant Pot

As a “welcome to one more year of college life before you’re flung into the real world” gift to myself, I have recently fallen in love with my newest kitchen gadget - the Instant Pot. Truly a match made in the kitchen, this new techy pressure cooking dream appliance has fulfilled my culinary gadget dreams more than all of my Shark Tank binge watching could prepare me for.

Fashion Fixes: Revive & Refresh Your Worn out Wardrobe

If you’re like me, you for true attachments to your clothing pieces, regardless whether it is a sentimental thrift store find from travels or a basic t-shirt from Forever21. This truest of fashion love begets the all too familiar horror stories and heartbreaks of your favorites becoming worn out, dingy, or worst of all broken. To help you get the most out of your closet favorites (and save you some cash too #doublewin!), here are some of my go to fixes to revive and refresh your wardrobe staples.