The Perfect UChicago-Themed Halloween Costumes!

The Perfect UChicago-Themed Halloween Costumes!

You may be thinking, "Oh no! I have no idea what to dress up as for Halloween?!?" No need to fear, your fashionista Hanna is here to give you some amazing UChicago-themed ideas for you to rock around campus and definitely turn heads!

1. Wednesday $1 Milkshake

UChicago is known for many things, but one thing that sets the school apart and brings students together is the $1 milkshakes that are sold at C-Shop. All you need is a cylinder-shaped body suit, a white piece of paper to use as the stray, and a huge "Wednesday $1 Milkshake" sign, and you will be wearing the sweetest costume around!

2. Your First Hum Paper

Everyone remembers their first paper, but more so the grade you got on it and the amount of ice cream they hd to eat to recover from such a blow to your pride. Just get a large piece of cardboard, paint it white, and jokingly (or seriously) write a huge "F" on it. Not only is this costume sadly relevant, but you will definitely get a few stares.

3. A Harper Library Chair

C'mon, just admit it. You spend more time in Harper taking a nap than doing actual studying... and there's no shame in that! Just grab a couch cushion and sew straps on, grab to long piece of cardboard to color red and attach to your arms, and you are a walking, talking reflection of your afternoon nap spot.

4. The Sleep-Deprived College Student

This one is easy because you live this costume everyday. You embody this costume. Live it, love it, and appreciate it by finding your favorite pair of pajamas, your go-to U of C hoodie, and the bags under your eyes that will never go away. People will be blown away by the minimalistic avenue you took, and by the simplistic yet classic design of the costume!

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What creative costumes ideas do you have for this Halloween? Let us know in the comments below!

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